How To Change Scentsy Wax

How to Change Scentsy Wax:

One of the most common questions that I receive is, “How do I change Scentsy wax from my warmer?” So I thought I would write an instructional post and I also made a few videos for you. I hope this information is helpful and if it is please feel free to share with your friends. Thank You!

Change Melted/Liquid Scentsy Wax:

  1. You’ll need a wad of toilet tissue or 3-4 cotton balls and a paper towel.
  2. You can leave your warmer on or turn it off.
  3. Take the wad of toilet tissue or cotton balls and place in the warm wax.
  4. Let the tissue/cotton soak up the wax. This can take about 15-20 seconds and may need to be repeated with fresh tissue if you have more than one cube of wax warming.
  5. Toss the tissue/cotton into the trash.
  6. Wipe the dish with a fresh wad of tissue or a paper towel.
  7. Your Scentsy Warmer is now ready for a new scent.


Change Solid Scentsy Wax:

  1. You’ll need a rubber spatula, popsicle stick or the package of a Scentsy Bar and a paper towel.
  2. Turn your Scentsy Warmer off for about 15-20 minutes. The wax will harden but remain pliable.
  3. Run the edge of the spatula, stick or Scentsy Bar around the inside edge of the warmer dish to separate the wax from the dish
  4. The oils in the wax will make it easy for the wax to pop right out.
  5. If the wax is still scented than you can save it for later. If not, you can toss it in the trash.
  6. Wipe the dish clean with the paper towel.
  7. Your Scentsy Warmer is now ready for a new scent.